5 Application Program

1. Fertilizer with crabgrass control. (March-April)

     •     Early Spring fertilizing replenishes nutrients lost over the Winter and returns the lawn to a lush green color.  Applying crabgrass preventer now avoids ugly crabgrass in the lawn during the Summer.  

2. Fertilizer with weed control. (May-June)

     •     Fertilizer goes directly into the plant root system to strengthen the grass and resist Summer stress.  Controls Summer weeds such as dandelions.  Broadleaf weed control is applied to control early season weeds.

3. Fertilizer with insect control. (July-August)

     •     Balanced slow released non-burning fertilizer to help your lawn through the Summer stress periods.  Broadleaf weed control is applied as needed to control any left over Summer weeds.

4. Slow release fertilizer. (September-October)

     •     Fertilizer provides essential nutrients directly into the plants for the fall growing season.  Broadleaf weed control to manage late season weeds.

5. Winterizer fertilizer. (November-December)

     •     Fertilizer provides nutrients for root development, disease resistance and faster Spring green-up.


l   a   n   w   n   &   l   a   n   d   s   c   a   p   i   n   g


Lawn Treatment

email: g r a s s m o n k e y @ m e . c o m

223  p o i n c i a n a  d r i v e ,  c e n t e r v i l l e ,  o h  4 5 4 5 9